Complete submissions must be preceded by expressions of interest – please see the Submission Guide.
The editor-in-chief discusses expressions of interest with the editorial board, so as to pre-assess their adequacy and outline the upcoming edition.
The submissions are reviewed by editorial board members as well as external experts. Reviewers recommended by the author may be included. Yet, they cannot pertain to the author’s family, belong to the same institution, or be their current collaborators.
The author’s identity is disclosed to the reviewer. The reviewers are free to reveal their identity to the author or keep anonymity. The process includes several stages:
The reviewers may recommend “acceptance”, “acceptance if revised to address the reviewers’ concerns” or “no acceptance”.
In any case, they are asked to provide constructive critiques and detailed suggestions for improvement, considering the following questions:
How does the submission address the mission of this journal?
Is the title adequate and appealing? Is it as short as possible, and clearly understandable to any reader?
Does the abstract summarise how the work contributes to the advancement of knowledge – theoretical, practical or both?
Is the information well structured?
Is the writing clear to any reader?
Is the research subject well framed?
Is the argument well supported with bibliographic references and media? Are these adequate and sufficient?
Can the submission be further enhanced with video, audio, code, links or demonstrations?
Are credits and copyrights displayed appropriately?
Are captions sufficiently descriptive?
Do citations, references and notes follow the provided instructions? Do all include appropriate links?
The journal has a single ISSN (International Standard Serial Number): 2975-9943
Each published contribution has its own DOI (Digital Object Identifier), which is provided in the corresponding URL.
The contributions to this journal are published under a Creative Commons licence, which enables re-users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for non-commercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
Complaints and appeals should be sent to the journal direction. They will be discussed by the editors and the members of the board.