Authors are invited to submit original contributions, which should be preceded by expressions of interest, delivered in PDF. Please follow the steps described bellow.
Subsequently to reading the Journal’s Mission, Scope and Editorial Process, send an expression of interest (PDF) to adriana[@] and[@] . Please name the subject “Live Interfaces Journal > expression of interest”.
The PDF should include: – Title – Author(s) / affiliation(s) – 70 words Bio(s) & URL(s) with +info – 500 words Abstract – Bibliography (APA) – Special technical requirements, if any
The authors work directly on the digital platform – which allows for the inclusion of audio, video, links, web-based interactive works and sonification/ visualisation systems.
Getting started
Once you receive the submission credentials by email, you will be able to create and edit a WordPress “post” (actually a webpage with unique URL), through a simple graphical interface that enables the insertion of contents and metadata. A brief tutorial with screenshots is available HERE.
Editorial instructions
Detailed editorial instructions are available HERE . Please read them carefully. The layout of this URL also reveals how the final publications will look like.
The authors save submissions as ‘drafts’. They are subsequently published in private mode, so as to enable peer review. Accepted works only become public after the editorial process is completed.
Your submission and final publication will be hosted in a trusted server (the one of the Journal). Beyond our regular URL backups, we will keep an independent copy of your material to assure its perseveration. Please copy/paste the final version of your WP “post” into a word document, and save it as html. Place that document into a folder named LI-volume-number_publication-title. Place all the images, videos and audio files into the same folder. Compact the folder and upload it to an online server (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive, etc). Send us the link, and we will upload the folder to the server of the journal.
You can contact the editor-in-chief for support – Adriana Sá: adriana[@] or[at]